Our Clients

Our Clients2019-04-30T14:28:14+02:00

We work with companies that are looking to optimise their processes

At ProcValue, we work with our clients to identify opportunities and improvements aimed at organisational agility, process efficiency and maximum competitiveness in a sustainable manner that integrates their suppliers.

Types of Clients

At ProcValue Consulting, we have developed our own systematic approach to transforming procurement and the supply chain.

Managing growth is important for many of our clients and its correct management is the guarantee that this growth will be sustainable. At ProcValue, we help our clients to define and implement the organisations and procurement process so that they are easily scalable; so that when faced with growth, whether it’s the organisation or its acquisitions, we will have an easily applicable standard model that takes advantage of the synergies from the outset and can be controlled at all times.
At ProcValue, we put the focus on added value as a basic concept. “There is value if the client is willing to pay for it.” Therefore, and in line with our client’s strategy, we work on eliminating everything that doesn’t add value, doing so transversally, not only in regards to price but also the entire value chain as well (design, cost breakdown, logistics, inventories, assumed risks, investments, flexibility…) At the same time, we empower our clients and their suppliers to enhance the value of the product (innovation, market growth…) that contributes to them achieving market leadership over their competitors.
At ProcValue, we are experts in optimising procurement processes, we apply a Lean methodology to purchases. We simplify the processes and eliminate actions that lack value. Once the processes have been simplified and the standard processes defined, we ensure their sustainability and the foundation of their continual improvement in order to automate both the processes and the phases that are required (validation of suppliers, tenders, payment of invoices…).
At ProcValue, we help develop organisations so that continual improvement is part of their daily lives and their teams’ DNA. This makes it possible for us to develop flexible organisations, open to new challenges and capable of taking them on and managing them.